Before Roe v. Wade was overturned, the future of bodily autonomy and what that meant for the future of contraceptives, was already a concerning issue. With that in mind, in 2021, I began researching and writing current and future outcomes for the health industry, specifically focusing on oral and physical contraceptives. Based on my research, I speculated what that could potentially mean for future bodies. Additionally, after following the political climate of 2020 and 2021, I unintentionally predicted the over turn of Roe vs. Wade in my writing.

The results of my research eventually produced a mock magazine entitled, BROAD Magazine, focused on culture, lifestyle, politics, and the progressive woman. As Editor-in-Chief, I dedicated the Fall issue to the re-established Roe v. Wade in 2034, and discussed the history of materials and methods, different process’s, services, and supply chain regarding all forms of contraceptives. 


  • The year is 2034
  • The future has been bleak since overturn of Roe v. Wade in 2024
  • However, in 2034, ten years later, we finally see progress towards accessible healthcare and solutions.
  • After the re-ban of abortion in 2024, humans joined forces to find solutions
  • Men begin to take oral contraceptives
  • AI technology can now track a woman’s cycle and time release contraceptive medicine based on their unique biorythm. It is personal data sent to you, and only shared with outside sources unless given permission. 


Click on the first image (the cover of BROAD magazine) to access a personal download of the issue.

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